Leges humanae nascuntur, vivunt, moriuntur - "The laws of man are born, live, and die." Illustrates that laws are made, are in force for a period, and then become obsolete.⏎
Maleficia propositis distinguuntur - "Evil acts are distinguished from (evil) purposes" or "crimes are distinguished by evil intent." Evil acts are distinguished from evil purposes[4] crimes are distinguished by the intention[5]⏎
Lex posterior derogat priori - "Later law removes the earlier." More recent law overrules older ones on the same matter.⏎
Nemo auditur propriam turpitudinem allegans - "No one can be heard, who invokes his own guilt." Nobody can bring a case that stems from their own illegal act.⏎
Nemo dat quod non habet - [6] The basic rule that a person who does not own property (e.g. a thief) cannot confer it on another except with the true owner's authority (i.e. as his agent). Exceptions to this rule include sales under statutory powers, and cases where the doctrine of estoppel prevents a legal owner from denying a seller's right to sell.⏎