Sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas - "Use your property so as not to injure that of your neighbours." While an individual is entitled to the use and enjoyment of one's estate, the right is not without limits. Restrictions can give rise to tort actions include trespass, negligence, strict liability, and nuisance.[8]⏎
Rex non potest peccare - "The king can do no wrong." Used to describe the basis for sovereign immunity.⏎
Ubi lex voluit, dixit; ubi noluit, tacuit - When the law wanted to regulate the matter in further detail, it did regulate the matter; when it did not want to regulate the matter in further detail, it remained silent (in the interpretation of a law, an excessively expansive interpretation might perhaps go beyond the intention of the legislator, thus we must adhere to what is in the text of the law and draw no material consequences from the law's silence).⏎
Ultra posse nemo obligatur - "No one is obligated (to do) more than he can." Specifies that one should do what he can to support the community, but since everyone has different levels of ability, it cannot be expected that all will perform the same.⏎